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金門日報全球資訊網站....國民黨金門縣黨部募集資源送愛心給弱勢家庭·烈嶼明起電瓶車接送注射疫苗·環保署資源回收績效考核金湖鎮獲第一名·城中線上畢業 ...
新聞英文解析 地震死亡人數上升至13人 2024/04/10The death toll from the Wednesday’s massive quake has risen to 13 following the three bodies were found on a walking trail through the mountainous region. The three deceased were among six people reported missing on Taroko National Park’s Shakadang Trail (砂卡礑). The teams were still working to confirm the identities of those recovered, the CEOC said, as rescuers continued to airlift trapped people in Hualien County. 中央災害應變中心表示,在穿越山區的一條步道上發現三具屍體後,週三大地震後確認的死亡人數已上升至13人。這三名死者是太魯閣國家公園砂卡礑步道上失蹤的六人之一。團隊仍在努力確認被找到的人的身份,而救難人員正持續空運花蓮受困民眾。 toll:(n.)死亡或傷患的人數 massive:(a.)大量的;...
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