「供應鏈管理」找工作職缺-2022年1月 | 美容美髮公開資訊
2022年1月22日-992個工作機會|供應鏈管理、營運管理儲備幹部【香港商利和醫療設備...供應鏈管理師【拓亞塑膠股份有限公司】。104人力銀行提供全台最多工作職缺, ...
台北市南港區 1年以上 大學- This role is responsible for the planning, implementation and development of new marketing ideas for assigned business - This role supports communications projects in the areas of advertising and promotional programs, public relations and trade shows, including Internet based communications - Participates in the development of plans for product promotion in support of marketing objectives and you prepares materials for internal and external presentations on products, business plans and management communications - Translates the marketing objectives into a yearly marcom plan, specifying required deliverables and projects, according to the guidelines - Responsible for the realization of NPDL activities for all new products as part of the launch plan and takes care of timely availability for optimal market introduction - Responsi...
「供應鏈管理」找工作職缺-2022年1月 | 美容美髮公開資訊
何謂供應鏈分析? | 美容美髮公開資訊
供應鏈分析師工作職缺工作機會-2022年1月 | 美容美髮公開資訊
企業最強大的後盾– 數位時代下供應鏈職缺 | 美容美髮公開資訊
供应链分析师做什么? | 美容美髮公開資訊
什麼是SCM (Supply Chain Management)? | 美容美髮公開資訊