何謂供應鏈分析? | 美容美髮公開資訊
供應鏈分析也是將諸如人工智慧(AI)等認知技術應用到供應鏈程序的基礎。認知技術能瞭解、理解、學習和互動,就像人類一樣,但其容量和速度更強大。這個先進的供應鏈 ...
In the past, supply chain analytics was limited mostly to statistical analysis and quantifiable performance indicators for demand planning and forecasting. Data was stored in spreadsheets that came from different participants within the supply chain.
By the 1990s, companies were adopting electronic data interchange (EDI) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to connect and exchange information among supply chain partners. These systems provided easier access to data for analysis, along with assisting businesses in their designing, planning and forecasting.
In the 2000s, businesses began turning to business intelligence and predictive analytic software solutions. These solutions helped companies gain a more in-depth knowledge of how their supply chain networks were performing, how to make better decisions and how to optimize their networks.
The challenge today conce...
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